Friday, July 4, 2014


sorry, for not writing a thing for so many days. I will not say that 'I was busy', 'something great was happening' 'I was sick' and many blah blah blah.......... The main reason is that........... ok there is no main reasons. I was lazy, too exhausted at one time to angry on the other time. I don't have any excuse to defend me.

having saying that I don't want to shed my shit and frustration on the virtual paper. I want to write something very meaningful. ( MEANINGFUL is a big word. I will say words which makes some senses).

Once upon a time when all the 15 years olds trying to figure out their lives, I would sit in my modest cot all the crawled up and eyes blurred with dreams and fantasies. I want to travel, to see many things, meet different peoples and to interact with different cultures. Ironically life turned outdo be something else. now when I look back I have regrets but i got wisher with age. ht.

Few dreams never able to see the first ray of the sunlight but still there are moment in life that makes you stop and give a small smile or maybe a wink in your face.